we petition the obama administration to:
Provide necessary assistance to prevent Taiwanese people from being murdered by Philippines and rebuild friendship.
我們請願歐巴馬政府能:提供必要協助來"預防"台灣人民被﹝菲律賓﹞殺害,並且重建美台友誼 。
Dear Mr. President,
As we know, Taiwan is an ally who shares the same values with us. It is sad to hear that a 65-years-old unarmed Taiwanese fisherman was killed by Philippine coastguard on May 9th. 51 bullet holes were found.
Many Taiwanese people were convinced by Philippines that the Obama Administration will connive at this brutal shooting attack. The signal from Philippines is forcing Taiwanese move to the other end of the balance. The situation is severe and may harm the interests of the United States.
This is a tough situation, but the bottom-line is crystal clear; firing on unarmed fisherman's boat is not allowed.
The cost of losing Taiwan and its influence in Japan and China is extremely high. We, the People, demand our government to provide assistance to Taiwan.