1. SJSU的台灣人多嗎(包含留學生)?
Depends on departments. But in general, there should be quite a few.
2. 聽說原本的台灣通學會已經停止運作了 請問還有類似的學生組織嗎?
Yes and I don't know
3. 請問學校的停車位好找嗎或是附近有什麼大眾運輸系統
It's very difficult to find parking and the parking permit is VERY expensive. All SJSU students will have a VTA sticker which you can use to ride all VTA vehicles. Light rail and bus stations are very close to school. 1 to 2 blocks away.
For question 3, I got the same view of the 2nd floor.
Though there would be some parking spaces at 9th street it will be difficult to find one especially in the daytime. Thus, I guess the best way is to find VTA vehicles for you.