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預覽 [中國] 天津 凱悅酒店 (Hyatt Regency Tianjin) attachment Blueted 2006-12-23 214144 Hua 2007-8-12 01:52
預覽 [中國] 北京 喜來登長城飯店 attachment Blueted 2006-12-9 313102 Blueted 2007-8-10 23:36
預覽 [台灣] 花蓮 遠雄悅來 attachment Blueted 2007-5-26 311011 Blueted 2007-7-19 23:53
預覽 [中國] 青海 銀龍酒店 attachment Blueted 2007-5-26 09654 Blueted 2007-5-26 07:56
預覽 [中國] 成都 聖索亞酒店 (Samsarra Hotel) attachment Blueted 2007-5-13 011728 Blueted 2007-5-13 10:19
預覽 [台灣] Small の 萱 bettylu 2006-10-17 513022 Blueted 2007-5-13 07:10
預覽 [其他] 新加坡 Raffles Hotel attachment Blueted 2007-4-1 011471 Blueted 2007-4-1 05:52
預覽 [其他] 馬來西亞 E&O Hotel attachment Blueted 2007-2-22 510732 Blueted 2007-4-1 05:09
預覽 [其他] 新加坡 Ritz Carlton Hotel attachment Blueted 2007-4-1 012965 Blueted 2007-4-1 04:45
預覽 [其他] 馬來西亞 G Hotel attachment Blueted 2007-2-22 311300 Blueted 2007-3-13 12:21
預覽 [台灣] 跟大家推薦一下! susan 2007-2-22 310654 chemery 2007-2-22 23:30
預覽 [其他] 新加坡 The Oriental Hotel attachment Blueted 2007-2-11 311359 Blueted 2007-2-16 08:04
預覽 [日本] 東京 Hilton attachment Blueted 2007-1-23 712592 Blueted 2007-1-30 17:44
預覽 [中國] 天津 君悅酒店 (Tianjin Junyue Hotel) Blueted 2006-12-22 210512 Blueted 2006-12-23 17:15
預覽 [其他] 新加坡 Grand Hyatt Singapore attachment Blueted 2006-12-5 511534 Blueted 2006-12-7 06:21
預覽 [中國] 西安 喜來登大酒店 (Sheraton Xian) attachment Blueted 2006-12-5 39782 angelyan 2006-12-6 07:51
預覽 [其他] 馬來西亞 Northam Hotel (all suites) attachment Blueted 2006-11-27 210107 Blueted 2006-12-3 09:50
預覽 [其他] 新加坡 Four Seasons Hotel ★★★★★ attachment Blueted 2006-11-21 814265 Blueted 2006-11-27 07:48
預覽 [中國] 上海 花園飯店 (Okura Garden Hotel) attachment Blueted 2006-11-4 410615 Blueted 2006-11-5 06:43
預覽 [中國] 上海萬豪虹橋大酒店 (Marriott) attachment Blueted 2006-10-29 615767 Blueted 2006-10-29 22:38
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