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預覽 [apts/house wanted] 求租屋!5月入住 metaljimmy76 2013-2-15 16617 fionaho 2013-3-31 22:32
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 尋求5月低至7月初短期住宿 Kayuto 2013-3-17 03467 Kayuto 2013-3-17 05:34
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 该罚的分 pumpkinsonic 2012-11-13 04696 pumpkinsonic 2012-11-13 13:13
預覽 [sublet/temp wanted] 徵求SF十月起短期租屋 yparadise 2012-9-6 25375 Sing_Cheung 2012-9-26 13:17
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 尋找舊金山短期租屋 motherb1123 2012-9-23 26642 Sing_Cheung 2012-9-26 13:16
預覽 [room/share wanted] 我是AAU今年的新生,下星期到SF,希望找downtown附近的房子 recommend StarlyV 2012-8-16 08501 StarlyV 2012-8-16 21:36
預覽 [apts/house wanted] {找房子中!!!} Im Will, San Francisco Downtown $600~1000 Willyang 2012-8-5 04872 Willyang 2012-8-5 22:58
預覽 [room/share wanted] 大家好, 我想要在SFSU附近租屋 ktrs55930 2012-8-1 04377 ktrs55930 2012-8-1 20:33
預覽 [room/share wanted] 大家好, 預計8月底到舊金山讀書, 請幫忙提供租房資訊, 謝謝~~ sherryhsu 2012-7-22 05468 sherryhsu 2012-7-22 05:22
預覽 [room/share wanted] 八月中入住 GGU新生 hellosummer 2012-7-21 07828 hellosummer 2012-7-21 23:49
預覽 [room/share wanted] 舊金山長期租屋!!8月中到!!有人缺室友嘛?:) smallseal 2012-7-2 15563 chipoworld 2012-7-17 02:48
預覽 [room/share wanted] 8月中入住 CCA新生 paranoid.yeh 2012-7-6 15976 paranoid.yeh 2012-7-10 18:54
預覽 [room/share wanted] 8月中入住 SFSU新生 pojung 2012-7-9 08543 pojung 2012-7-9 23:03
預覽 [room/share wanted] 急!!!求租屋(長租佳)!!!八月中到 shakeyoyao 2012-6-27 15623 shakeyoyao 2012-6-29 19:10
預覽 [room/share wanted] 想八月中入住~尋屋~ elinorainto 2012-6-29 05894 elinorainto 2012-6-29 04:26
預覽 [room/share wanted] 找近SFSU大房 pojung 2012-6-26 05157 pojung 2012-6-26 22:54
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 1 bedroom for small family (近UCSF) tentacle1127 2012-6-21 05799 tentacle1127 2012-6-21 09:15
預覽 [room/share wanted] 尋找租屋 近sfsu lalalin 2012-6-17 04694 lalalin 2012-6-17 22:49
預覽 [apts/house wanted] 找屋接近SF Down town 八月入住 jinks819 2012-6-17 04745 jinks819 2012-6-17 22:17
預覽 [apts/house wanted] [找屋] 7/24~ (已結束) GarryHung 2012-6-16 05001 GarryHung 2012-6-16 06:43
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