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預覽 [Apartments] 近CSUF~一房一廳apartment出租~$800 chentututu 2012-7-9 05391 chentututu 2012-7-9 13:09
預覽 [Single House] CHINO全新套房出租/大放送 ella 2012-7-7 04686 ella 2012-7-7 23:57
預覽 Master bedroom for rent for $700/mon. San Diego debbieliao 2012-7-7 03755 debbieliao 2012-7-7 07:38
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] [租屋] Long Beach雅房出租 sashimi1212 2012-6-30 05193 sashimi1212 2012-6-30 22:38
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Room for Rent, Walking Distance To CSUSB peipei76 2012-6-28 04020 peipei76 2012-6-28 15:57
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 短期租屋 herrymarry 2012-6-21 16578 claire1983 2012-6-25 21:53
預覽 [Single House] Chino Hills 套房出租 有家具 $520近 mt.sac CAL POLY La Verne 大华 costco attach_img kaoon 2012-6-25 05732 kaoon 2012-6-25 11:11
預覽 [Others] Anaheim 全新Town house 套房出租 pva1024 2012-6-24 06037 pva1024 2012-6-24 22:45
預覽 [Apartments] 近 Cal Poly, Mt Sac, HWY57/60/71 (兩房兩衛浴, $1400/月) attach_img tai 2012-6-19 04772 tai 2012-6-19 10:19
預覽 [Apartments] $1250 / 2br - 880ft² - Nice, Large 2 Bedroom For Rent (Claremont) attach_img chimay 2012-6-19 05031 chimay 2012-6-19 08:12
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 雅房分租 shengwenhuang 2012-6-19 04729 shengwenhuang 2012-6-19 00:00
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 獨立屋House分租 teresa_1233 2012-6-17 04911 teresa_1233 2012-6-17 16:12
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Room available near UCR Bingo 2012-6-15 05066 Bingo 2012-6-15 13:51
預覽 [Single House] 套房/雅房/附家具/大放送 ella 2012-6-10 04422 ella 2012-6-10 20:26
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] Fullerton -near Cal state Fullerton peipei76 2012-6-6 14800 unicorn_khh 2012-6-7 10:46
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] 徵室有 近 la verne, pomona. , san dimas angel1031tw 2012-3-20 14834 angel1031tw 2012-6-6 05:01
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] USC 西邊套房6/11-7/25短租 $25/day (可議) LuluSung 2012-6-5 04018 LuluSung 2012-6-5 19:17
預覽 [Apartments] ‎[暑期短暫租屋] USC or Downtown LA affluentp 2012-6-3 04976 affluentp 2012-6-3 09:52
預覽 [Single House] 南加鄰近喜瑞都市全新裝潢獨立屋出租 attach_img yayah0617 2012-5-30 04548 yayah0617 2012-5-30 22:33
預覽 [Rooms & Shares] (有图)$495 蒙市安静温馨套房7月1日入住 attach_img MPhouse 2012-5-28 05473 MPhouse 2012-5-28 12:35
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