我去遊學的目的是想增進英文的能力,並沒有升學的打算。我會選擇Homestay 居住,不打算租車所以很在乎該區的大眾運輸是否便利,加上想省一點錢想找生活比較低的區域唸書,希望前輩能給一些意見。。
我打算在 UC Santa Barabra, UC San Diego, UC Davis 中選一間學校讀,有誰讀過任何一間學校的告訴我ㄧ些你們的經驗及建議,哪間學校條件比較符合我呢。
Ok.. This is how I did it.
Go to a community college since they are fairly cheap compare with most language schools and most importantly live with an American family. Most community colleges will issue an I-20 if your TOFEL score is 450+. The TOFEL system has changed if my information is correct, so you might want to check with the new scoring system. As David (hotddt) mentioned above, watching TV, movies with the subtitle turned off and news channel everyday is a great way to speed up the learning process.
Be open minded and adaptive, you shall reach your goal in no time